
Jesus, the Elected Head, of His People

I want to ponder something with you. I want to ponder how in control of salvation our God is; how in control God is of all creation and the salvation worked out in space-time history. And we are going to do that by spending very little time talking about history at all. Because I want to go back. Way back. I want to back to before Genesis 1:1. How do we do that? By looking at texts that reference before time. How do we get from the Triune God [Father, Son, and Holy Spirit] existing in and of himself in glory, to not just his act of creation, but his act of ordering our salvation in this creation? There are far too many terrible, and unbiblical answers to this.

For instance, some wrongly think that God did not elect you. He didn't elect, anyone in eternity past. Instead, they think God way back then chose faith, or an amorphous mass. They think God chose the act of faithing as the grounds of salvation. And therefore, they think God does not know who will choose him. He only knows that faith is the means of salvation. because that’s what he set up. But is that what the Bible actually teaches? Let's compare that to the Scriptures. Is that true?

Listen to Eph 1:3-4:

"Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in Christ with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places,  (4)  even as he [the Father] chose us [the church (the Bride of Christ) individually and as a whole] in him [Jesus. When?] before the foundation of the world…"

Let's simplify that a little bit. In eternity past, God the Father chose us to be represented by his Son. Now, that also means God the Father, before he chose us, chose the Son. You can’t complain there is no free will, if even the Son of God is chosen before time began.

Listen to how the author of Hebrews puts it in Hebrews 5:4-5

"No one takes this honor for himself, [The author of Hebrews is talking about taking the office of High Priest to himself. No one may take it. Instead, it is bestowed. God bestows it on sinners in the Old Testament. But he's about to apply the idea to Jesus. Therefore, the office of Savior, of Messiah, of Covenant Head cannot be taken; it cannot be bid for; it cannot be earned. It is bestowed. And such bestowal is indeed an honor. But the Father bestowed such an office on the Son.] but only when called by God, just as Aaron was.  (5)  So also Christ did not exalt himself to be made a high priest, but was appointed [elected, selected, chosen] by him [The Father] who said to him [to Jesus], “You are my Son, [That has to be the Father speaking] today I have begotten you”;

The Father chose the Son to be a representative. And the Father - not the Son, or the Holy Spirit - chose you in His chosen Son. Jesus didn't choose himself. Nor did the Father choose the Spirit. The Father chose the Son. He chose the Second Person of the Trinity. And that occurred, according to Ephesians 1, before Genesis 1:1! That occurred “before the foundation of the world.” So, before time began. Jesus was elected by the Father, before you were elected in Jesus. Now, what does elected mean? It means "chosen." The same way husbands and wives, you chose a spouse. The same way kids, you choose each other in kick ball. Except here, its applicable to salvation. The Father chose the Son to be Savior. The Father selected the Son to be the representative of his people. The Son didn't offer himself for the position. He didn't apply for the job. He never said, "Hey choose me." He didn’t call his own number. Neither did the Holy Spirit.

So then, before God the Father chose us in Jesus; God the Father chose Jesus. Not “a” Jesus; not a Hebrew man 2,000 years; nor faith as a concept; nor humility as an action. The Father appointed the Son to represent those of fallen sinful humanity he chose to save. But that means TWO ENORMOUS THINGS, which again the author of Hebrews focuses on.

Note Hebrews 1:1-2 

Long ago, at many times and in many ways, God spoke to our fathers by the prophets,  (2)  but in these last days he has spoken to us by his Son, whom he [the Father] appointed the heir [Jesus] of all things, through whom [Jesus] also he [the Father] created the world.

So, the Father selected the Son TO BE HIS HEIR, AND through whom the Father created the world. Now, some people think that all that means is that the Father created all things, through the work of the Son, the same way a boss works through his workers, or the same way an older brother tells his younger brother what to do to benefit himself. Nope! But that is not actually what the author of Hebrews is saying. He isn't merely saying Jesus was the instrument the Father used to make creation. He is saying that. But, he is also saying Jesus was before time and creation began. The Father assigned the Second Person of the Trinity to be the Heir of Creation, before the Creation was created. Jesus’ office of Savior was appointed by the Father before God created. But as Heir of All Things - as Heir of Creation - creation, the universe, was made for Jesus. And especially for his office of Savior. The whole universe was created for the purpose of being redeemed.

Jesus isn't just the source from which creation was created. Jesus wasn't just the Father's instrument of creation. The world is defined by Jesus, bends towards Jesus' will, and its beginning, middle, and end, is for Jesus, the Savior's, redeeming, new-life creating, darkness-and evil-defeating, work.

That means there is no bug, no animal, no waterfall, no hard time, no good time, no math problem, no science problem, no political scenario, that comes about apart from him, but by the nature of his office of “Heir” and “Head” comes from his wisdom, and is part of his plan and agenda for this world. The breath you breathe, the chair you're sitting in; your breath was made to return to its maker. Your chair ultimately fulfills one goal: the glory of the Christ.

And Paul sings God's praise for this.

Romans 11:36 puts it this way,

"For from him [that is Jesus is the head over creation, and Jesus’ position as Savior is the goal of creation. For from him … ] and through him [that is by his agenda, and by his power, and his instrumentality] and to him [that means the goal of every possible entity is to be bent toward his glory now and in the future. What things?] are all things. To him be glory forever. Amen."

Hallelujah! Jesus reigns on high. The one who was appointed Heir and Head by his Father, is not sitting at the right hand of God in heaven. And whether now or when he returns, all the cosmos, all the universe is made and built to sing his glory.

So, now I want to go back to where we started.

All of that has to be true BEFORE God elects us in Christ.

Given that the Father set Jesus up to define for his own salvation; given that the Father chose the Son to wield creation to his own glory …

"Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in Christ with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places,  (4)  even as he [the Father] chose us [Christians (the church), individually and as a whole] in him [Jesus. When?] before the foundation of the world…"

Blessed be our Triune God, and His Christ.