2:1 When the day of Pentecost arrived, they were all together in one place. 2 And suddenly there came from heaven a sound like a mighty rushing wind, and it filled the entire house where they were sitting. 3 And divided tongues as of fire appeared to them and rested on each one of them. 4 And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit gave them utterance.
King Jesus pours out His Holy Spirit upon the Church (vv.1-2)
So, Jesus ascended on high in Acts 1:9 ten days prior to this. He told them to wait in Jerusalem. They did.
2:1 When the day of Pentecost arrived, they were all together in one place. [Now, these men have celebrated Pentecost every year. It's one of the three required feasts for all heads of households to attend each year (Deut. 16:16-17). But … they have no earthly idea what is about to happen! An event that they thought they understood, is about to, by God himself, to be explained in its total fulness. Pentecost was the Feast of Ingathering (Exodus 23:14-17). Hundreds of thousands of heads of household would come to Jerusalem every year to gather their harvest into the Temple. It's theological focus was on gathering the fruit of the kingdom to honor Yahweh.
You do the same thing, functionally, every Sunday with your tithes and offerings.
But, there's a problem. Remember, forty days prior, Jesus' death ripped the Temple curtains in two. His death fulfilled and ended the necessity of the Temple holy days and practices. But, even Jesus himself, who dwelt with us for thirty plus years, is gone - he's ascended to the Father's throne. So, is there now no Yahweh dwelling with his people, with no temple, to gather in the fruitfulness of his people's works?
There is, just not in a temple made with hands. And it's about to "sha-dunk" like a rock in the lake of space-time history. The trigger happens right about … now!] 2 And suddenly [the apostles weren't expecting it] there came from heaven [so it's not just "of heavenly origin," the event is also "God himself breaking into his creation … again." You saw it with Jesus at the incarnation. And now you see it again with the Holy Spirit.] a sound like a mighty rushing wind, [Remember, they are in the Upper Room, which is near the Temple. And suddenly, they are in hurricane-like elements, but … inside the room! Imagine being in a wind tunnel.
The Holy Spirit is greater than your grip!
The word for wind, in the Old Testament, is "ruach," which literally translated means "wind" But tons of times it is a reference to the person and work of the Holy Spirit. The same "wind" that hovered over the waters in Genesis 1, and breathed new life into the people of God in Ezekiel 37, is now the person come to create, sustain, and empower the New Testament redeemed community and kingdom! In fact, I think the Valley of Dry Bones in Ezekiel 37 is being fulfilled, right here and right now. National Israel is dead - they've rejected their Messiah. But Jesus sent the third person of the Trinity, the Holy Spirit, to his people, to breathe life into her and empower her for her work. So, the Holy Spirit literally shows up in the Upper Room in a display of frightening power and glory.] and it filled the entire house where they were sitting. [Clearly, this isn't the air of the church A/C kicking on right in the middle of the fifth swell of your favorite worship song. This isn't a gentle breeze because the windows are open. It's not man-made at all. In fact, it can't even be duplicated - no matter what Pentecostals claim.
Now, there are other events in the book of Acts that seem to duplicate this, and we will handle them when we get there. Their utility will become clear in coming weeks.
But Pentecost can only happen once, because the calling of Jesus upward to the throne - his coronation to the right hand of God - triggered the sending of the Spirit downward. In fact, Jesus literally tells us as much in John 16:7:
"Nevertheless, I tell you the truth: it is to your advantage that I go away, for if I do not go away, the Helper will not come to you. But if I go, I will send him to you."
And so, at Pentecost "the Helper" came. It is an action of the Father, and of the Messianic King. Even John the Baptist mentioned this in Matthew 3:11
“I baptize you with water for repentance, but he who is coming after me is mightier than I, whose sandals I am not worthy to carry. He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire."
That means Christians should interpret Pentecost as A BAPTISM. At Pentecost Jesus baptized the church by the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. We are washing of the Old Covenant. We are cleansing and empowered with the New Covenant. The Holy Spirit now is the person indwelling, and empowering the church, both as a whole, and individually!
The Person who indwells, creates, empowers, and sustains the church - JUST SHOWED UP. Not quietly, but loudly. Not meekly in the still small voice, but in demonstrable cosmic power. Not remotely, but publicly, and in majesty. The Holy Spirit then is Yahweh dwelling with his people. The Immanuel principle is still true.
He will never leave us nor forsake us. But, Jesus ascended to the throne. He is not here. But he sent the Holy Spirit now to abide with us; to be "God with us."
So Beloved, we have not been forsaken; you've not been left; you've not been forgotten. You need your Husband and High Priest precisely where he is: interceding at the right hand of God, and ruling from the throne of glory. And he determined you needed His Holy Spirit to abide with you. Not just you personally, you individually; but also "you" as the whole church, each congregation, and the universal church.
Have you ever thought about the fitness of this? Jesus took to himself humanity. He has forever united himself to the finitude of our nature. And yet, he announced that the church will become a universal entity. And while Jesus certainly does reign over it all from heaven; the Holy Spirit is not bound by any human nature. He is everywhere present, and can abide with the totality of the church wherever she is.
This means you're not closer to God because you go to Jerusalem. You don't have less access because you're not worshiping in the vaulted ceilings of St. Peter's Basilica in Rome. Christ Pres. is no less indwelt by the Holy Spirit than the church at Pentecost. You have the same access: when you're on spiritual cloud nine or when you're going through the spiritual ringer; when you're arid and dry, or when your life is filled with tons of spiritual "ah ha" moments.
The Holy Spirit was sent by our reigning King to abide with his Bride, to bring her safely through the battle that God is waging.
The Spirit now will create the new Temple around him - not the Temple in Jerusalem - but you - souls - converted Jews and Gentiles - YOU NOW are the end-time Temple of God, built up by Christ through the work and presence of the Holy Spirit.
Don't think of this only as "the Holy Spirit came to you, and indwells you." Think of this like a house. The Holy Spirit comes out to you as you're passing by, and changes your heart to bring you into this house; the kingdom; his corporate and personal influence.
Therefore, the King sits on the throne. The Bride is endowed with power and offices and ministries. But it’s the Holy Spirit who applies Jesus' empowerment of the church's ministries.
Now, some of you might want me to say here, "and therefore you need to be filled with, and experience, the Holy Spirit to empower you for ministry." That is a text. But that's not the purpose of this text. The Holy Spirit poured out on the church, dwelling with, creating, and building the church is not something you necessarily "feel." He's like a "Joe was here sign." You don't necessarily recognize it in the moment, but suddenly you see "the Holy Spirit was here" signs in your heart and life. This event happened to the church two thousand years ago. You don't feel it. You don't experience this. This occurred without your feelings. It occurred long before you existed. You're brought into this sphere. Using the illustration earlier, this is an ooooolllldddd house you walked by. Instead, at your conversion, you were brought into this reality. Like a commander conquering his foes then conscripting them into his own army, Jesus conquered your soul by the Holy Spirit at conversion, and brought you into the house of these Pentecostal realities, into this new temple. And now He equips you to fight against your former alliance: the world, the flesh, and the devil..
Let me ask you the obvious question: have you ever considered the theology of Pentecost before? You won't hear everything we're speaking about this morning in Pentecostal churches today. All you'll hear is how they use it. But's it's never explained well. But is this an area of theology that you've been missing? Have you ever been discipled as to the work of the Holy Spirit? As soon as we are done talking about Jesus' redemptive work in the Evening Worship Services, which will be pretty soon here, we will be spending about twenty or so weeks preaching on the person and work of the Holy Spirit. Come join us Sunday nights @ 5:00 p.m. Or, are you indifferent to the life-giving power and empowerment that comes through the Holy Spirit? Have you ever considered that he is the one who powers Jesus' blessing of the Word-preached, the sacraments taken by faith, your sharing the gospel with others, your raising your children in the faith, your being iron sharpening iron to your spouses? Or did you just think it was you? Or, did you just think it was God's blessing? As though Pentecost was thing granted, instead of a person actively doing working? Will you repent of your ignorance? Will you forsake taking the Holy Spirit for granted? It violates the very first commandment, to be indifferent or ignorant of one of the Persons of the Godhead. We don't have the right to be wrong about the Holy Spirit. In fact, if you repent at the preaching of this text, IT IS ONLY THE HOLY SPIRIT WHO EMPOWERS IT.
So, King Jesus pours out His Holy Spirit upon the Church